Hey there - my worthy wife of many good years - Vivacious Vicki - "The Sandpaper Saint"!!!
Thank you for finding the time to pen your great - as you called it - "Little Epistle" about all three of my good - "God Sent Gifts" - my precious girls. I also want to thank you for updating me about our Home Church and the passing of some.
Our son, Douglas, was a "God Sent Gift" too - although not always recognized as such - except by the women whom he has shared the joys of absentee parenthood with. Yes, Douglas has contributed to God's Great Plan for the gene pool on Planet Earth. Doug is the only viral man - that I've ever known - that has never made a pass at an attractive woman. Rather, woman are "Drawn To" my son ~ like flies are to honey. I should learn from him !!!
While I was very familiar with 90% of what you said, in your letter, I do appreciate you taking of your valuable time to write it all out long hand. As I have always appreciated, your penmanship is a real work of art. The only thing missing, from your 9-page letter, is your delightful leaf doodles around its edges.
If there is a recurrent theme to my typed reply, it is that of ecclesiastics. To Paraphrase "Everything is proceeding Exactly as it should..."
I'm "Glad" that "MY" Girls Came to AZ to see their biological father, Mario - " Laid To Rest." My Heike needed "Closure," so did My Princess Heather, as likely you did too, my "Worthy Wife" for twice as long as you were his faithful wife. Mario only held you down for 10 years. I Never did. I never cheated on you - but rather - only loved you.
I doubt that Heike hit Mario in the nose - as she said that she would - the next time that she saw him. I am sure that by the time my Heike saw her biological father - in his burial box - she had already forgiven him for his actions toward her..
And I doubt that our abused Heather told Mario's 2nd wife, Janice, what she really thought of her - or her mean daughter - that his obituary said was Mario's surviving daughter. Heather, too, has a good forgiver.
In the final analysis, the only thing that matters is what Our Lord, Jesus, decides. He knows our heats. He knows if we have repented and truly changed.
How were you all received at his funeral???
Perhaps, it is small of me to say this, but I knew the moment that I shook your cheating x-husband's hand, that I was destined to outlive him on this planet. That Mario's imprudent losses would be my great gains, in that I would have both his gorgeous, faithful wife, and his "Real" loving daughters that would be adopted as my own.
As I stated then, Vicki, my girls are forever Miles's. "Grafted" into "The Olive Tree" as were we gentiles "Grafted" into the original Olive Tree Of Abraham" - complete with all of God's predominate promises and bountiful blessings.
Do you remember when I ordered a gross of pens with their names on them? Our girls were having problems at school, remembering to sign their papers with their new "Miles" name.
The pens said on their sides, "Property of Heather or Heike Miles". I wonder if there are any of the pens still around.
Heike won her dad's heart when she was but 4-years-old. Long before the adoption. We had just had her 4th birthday at your 1st condo that you moved to in Vancouver, WA, after being thrown out of Mario's house in Sierra Vista.
I was shaving off my beard at the bathroom sink. Heike was sitting atop the closed toilet seat - watching me - when I looked over to see my little darling in tears.
"What's the matter, Honey?" I asked her.
"I'm scared, Daddy," she cried.
"What are you scared of, Baby?" I had to know.
"I'm scared That I won't recognize you!!!" Heike blurted out.
I swept her up into my arms, cradled her in my left arm, like a football, and she helped me finish shaving.
I promised Heike right then and there, that "I will always be your Daddy."
And - "I Am!!!"
Was I blessed or what??? Yes, I was most certainly blessed!!! This was also what my "Generous Lord" intended...
As I've formerly shared with you, my x-wife - by your volition - I have always maintained that I would fully recover from the debilitating effects of this "Dread Disease." And - "I Am!!!"
Rome wasn't built in a single day. Neither did my health become compromised overnight, either.
Rather, "A Most Gracious God allowed me to neglect my health for years - allowing me to learn some necessary lessons that I might - as "God's Playfully Mischievous Apostle Rascal"- instruct others of "His Elect and Chosen Children" to have "The God Kind Of Faith" - recover their compromised health - and "Survive The Soon Coming Great Tribulation."
You asked if my health is continuing to deteriorate.
The answer is, "Not at All!!!" Rather, I Am, "Continuing to improve - every day !!!" Yes, and my MS (Multiple Sclerosis) disabled body, too. LOL (Laugh Out Loud).
I Really did go through some "Very Rough Times" after my arrival here in AZ. The enemy tried hard to "Sift" me, rattle my faith, and convinced my loving siblings, that I was going to "Health Hell", in a hand basket. It certainly "Looked" like it.
By "God's Amazing Grace", my faith never wavered. Neither did my "Confession" of complete health and healing - as per "The Word Of Almighty God" - The Holy Bible.
My "Great Brother, Robert," really believed that I was "Delusional", and, on several occasions, told me so.
At least 3 times each day, Rita would say through tears, "I am so sorry that you are so sick... Is there anything that I can do to make you more comfortable? Anything that I can get for you?"
I attempted to explain to Robert, that I Am "Confusional". That it is he and "My Super Sister, Rita," that are - in fact - "Confused".
That God's Word is always "True" - no matter how impossible it might appear - in the light of ones circumstances!!!
As the scripture says, "God Is not a man that He should lie."
"By His Grace, I Am but His faithful servant, chosen before the beginning, to be "An Apostle," during these "End Times."
"Very simply, An Apostle is 'A Sent One' - sent to minister to the needs of those to whom God directs His servant massinger."
Now, for some of the wonderful turns of events here:
My Health and Physical Mobility are dramatically improving!!! The day before yesterday, I was evaluated for physical therapy. Starting Monday, I will be receiving PT twice a week, transportation provided complements of AHCCCS (Arizona Health Care Cost Containment Services) - this state's program that parallels WA State's Health Program for supplemental insurance - that pays the 20% co-pay that Medicare doesn't.
They had turned me down before, but I have now been "Approved," thanks to my two MD's 2nd letters and again submitting the health evaluation completed by Earth Angel, Terry (Savage) Eaton - up there - in January. This was only last week. "Praise The Lord"!!!
The day before that, I put the raised toilet booster seat - that I'd purchased here in AZ - into the storage shed - as I no longer need it - with my health and mobility improving so fast.
Much of this is the result of a supplement that I have begun taking once more, Ambrotrose.
You may remember back when I was still a workaholic? We had moved from our 2400 sq ft home in Washougal into the handicapped assessable condo that we purchased on the hill overlooking Vancouver.
Only 3 blocks from our River City Brokers Real Estate Office - I could ride my newly acquired used handicapped scooter in to work on those days that I didn't have any appointments to list or sell homes - which required me to drive the "Caddi".
Anyway, My Earth Angel friend, David Bushard had insisted that I begin taking a supplement that had been reported to help suffers of MS (Multiple Sclerosis). God had told David that he should introduce me to the product - which David - whom listens to "The Holy Spirit - did do.
Reluctantly, I began taking the tasteless, expensive health supplement - for a couple of months - before deciding that I didn't need it. I maintained that God would "Miraculously Heal Me" - without any help of conventional methods.
Big Mistake !!! Much later, The Lord did heal me "Miraculously" heal me of "Total Incontinence" - using 20-30 disposable briefs each day - but I needed to learn that Almighty God Often uses others of His Infinite health and healing methods - that are "Less Romantic" - yet none the less - "Miraculous."
So, when Rita and I went to a presentation, here in Show Low, about a product that was said to reverse symptoms of MS, I was surprised and delighted that the product was the same one that I'd taken - used in conjunction with other of that company's vitamins.
We met a local lady, Mary, whom - after only 6 months of use - was totally free of all symptoms of disabling Multiple Sclerosis. She had been as crippled up and health compromised as I still was. Mary was bouncing around - without crutches - like a ping-pong ball.
I spent the $130.00 for my 1st - 5 oz - jar of the supplement. I am finishing up taking my 2nd jar - in 1 month. To the delight and astonishment of my siblings, I Am Getting Well!!! "God Is Good - ALL Of The Time"!!!
I do not yet "Sell or Offer" the products on my new websites ~ that I've yet to set up ~ but I will when I can muster the $1,300.00 or so that a Full Affiliates Dealership costs.
This Is Now Monday Night ...
PT was great today!!! My Physical Therapist said that he will order me a new leg brace, for my "Foot Drop" problem, to use until my complete recovery.
I said, "We'll see. I no longer have any edema. Being wheelchair confined, thanks to my placating Joy - my girlfriend/caregiver - and not "Wallwalking" after we moved into that nice 2-bedroom Vancouver apartment, caused me massive edema in my legs.
I find it amazing how foolish that we males become - after we "Decide" to Love a Lady. Many women want to emasculate their males. Then when the "Meathead Men" allow it, the women are no longer interested. Such was the story of my nearly 3 year adventure with Joy.
Tomorrow, I get my new teeth, thanks to Karin Grandon of of "Independent Living Program".
As you, Vicki, and others of my EzineArticles readers will want to know, this federally funded program is administered by the states. It is awesome!!!
In AZ, Karin is my "Rehabilitation Counselor." She may be e-mail reached at: KGrandon@azdes.gov.
Or by Phone: (928) 779-4147.
You, my x-wife, have always been interested in helping 0thers. Now, by finding the WA state program, you will be able to assist many with disabilities.
The focus of the program is to help physically impaired persons to "Get Out There" and to "Enjoy A Better Quality Of Life..."
Once Again, I Am Blessed!!!
Upon arriving in AZ, on my handicapped scooter, via Amtrak - my health did rapidly decline for about 5 months. Sleeping out in the cold back porch/office did not do me any good. With my MS, an electric blanket caused my mylin to melt and further disabled me.
"What? Am I Nuts?" I asked myself.
"No. Just a little slow to catch on, my Rascal," The Holy Ghost answered.
I began sleeping beneath a heavy quilt, breathing on my hands to keep them a little warmer.
As my Revo scooter, made by Pride, purchased by Medicare was too big to use inside Rita and Robert's mobile home - it having already chewed the moldings off the narrow door casings - I had to leave it out in the uninsulated, unheated back office where I continued to sleep because the couch was to low for me to get off of in the night. Inside, I managed,poorly, to use my 4-wheeled walker.
Karin's program paid for a new "Buz Around Lite" handicapped scooter. It was too small and inexpensive to qualify for Medicare payment when I selected my Revo - the smallest and most transportable scooter that qualified.
Robert had been very depressed, despite his success with his "Fastwalkers" movie. Mostly, my brother laid in the bathtub and read novels.
After my telling him that "My Lord would provide me with a venue by which obtain everything that I need for health, comfort, and prosperity" - that, "My Lord shall provide all of my needs, as according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus" - and upon seeing my new scooter arrive - via an unheard of before program, Robert "Arose From The Death Of Depression," to begin work on converting the outside office to an also nice bedroom for me.
Where he had become ultra conservative for several years, my Big Brother became "Bigger Than Life" once more!!! Robert was back to being my Big Bro'. He began charging the materials to build and remodel my room on his credit card. "Depression Died!" God won again!!!
Karin's program paid my brother over $2,700.00 to reimburse Robert for the materials that he had purchased - for the improvements to make me more comfortable - and to build a safe handicapped porch with good ramp for my new scooter.
It is now 1:07 A.M. and I have just returned from outside on my new porch where I "Praised The Lord." It had rained, earlier. God reminded me that even when we cannot see the the stars, when they are obscured by dark clouds, that the Lord's Super Stars are still there.
Yes, they await those who by "Faith" believe in the clouds moving away for a "Bright Tomorrow," continuing to "Hope" for it. As Hebrews 11:1 says, "Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not yet seen."
You said in your 9 page, hand written letter, Vicki, "That this might turn into, a short, fat epistle from me just to cover the basics of what Cassie has been up to - also some about the girls & myself (H & H I mean)." Well, I have it on good authority, that this - my typed snail-mail reply to you - is destined to appear together with my fellow "End Times Apostle's, Paul Of Tarsus, gospel in the Millennium era Bible. The Holy Spirit told me this.
Like Paul's 1st Corinthians, the length and diversity of subjects covered, this and some others of my ezine articles, may be divided by the translators into "Chapters," and God only knows how many languages will be in use during that next 1,000 years.
Whatever, we will be with Our Lord, Jesus, "Ruling" and "Reigning" - teaching God's next generation of "Children" - born on His New Planet Earth.
Now, back to my other blessings. I Am seated before my new computer, in my "Spic & Span" office/bedroom.
My new 2-hours a week - government paid for - "Housekeeper", was here for her 1st time - on Monday - also. It's a far cry from the 154 hours per month "Caregiver" hours allotted to Joy - for my personal care and maintenance - and then to Heather - by the state of WA when I lived up there. But AZ is not so generous with "Man Hours."
None the less, I do appreciate this blessing, my clean vacuumed carpet floor, sweet smelling laundered clothing, spotlessly cleaned bathroom, and fresh changed sheeted bed.
Soon, God willing, there will appear "Some Special Someone" to share - my now empty bed - with me. It's been a long time. The longest time, since my grade school, that I have ever slept by myself - 7 months - without a loving, wonderful female - to keep my feet warm. "This too shall pass..."
It has "Passed" for my brother. When I arrived here in AZ, Robert was still somewhat involved with the "Reiki" woman that I had introduced him to - in Phoenix - 6 years ago.
She had used her "Powers" to hold my Bro' in "Emotional Bondage" until I expressed my understanding to him and prayed The Lord release Robert. I didn't tell my good brother about my payer. Yet, within a very few days, Robert had broken free of her bondage, and has not seen her since.
Rather, the Lord has sent his "Soulmate,' Earth Angel, Judy, to love him and to "Enhance Robert's Hopes"- while meeting his every emotional and physical need. Judy is a "Redheaded Doll." Having met on an Internet dating site, Robert and Judy were "Meant To Be Together," just as we were, for a long time.
I truly believe that an all knowing God chooses whom we will become involved with and committed to for "His Purposes" and our personal growth.
They are in Central America - for 3 weeks - to find and to secure a place for "Some Of God's Children," like me.
About Brother Robert, he Skyped me from Nicaragua to say the he and Judy are engaged. We talk nearly every day when my little used computer is not broken down. With free long distance and webcams, we're able to stay in touch, while they find a place for themselves and Rita and I also.
Robert an Judy say that "This Is Paradise!!!" It is the least expensive country on Planet Earth to live. The towns and islands are much like the ones that we visited when we took our Caribbean Cruise.
I am wrapping up the details of selling their mobile home "By Owner" for Robert and Rita. So we should all be moved to the Western Caribbean by sometime in October. Cassie can come visit her Rascal Daddy there, next year.
I am very proud of our Cas' for finding a way to graduate this year. She might want to consider some of the respected Universities in Central America to finish her education?
You said in your letter, Vicki, that I don't need to worry about you bugging me... Contact with you has always been a pleasure for me. Without your help, I'd have been in deep-do-do many times more often than I've been. Please know that I do love and respect you.
I admire your ability to make and stand by your decisions. I may not always agree with you but, none the less, your heart s good and you've never intentionally hurt me, or anyone else, that I can remember.
You have helped many!!!
I apologize for this snail-mail reply taking so long to arrive. I have had infinite problems keeping the small, cheap computer that I acquired after my good computer could not work here in AZ upon arrival.
This letter was 2/3 complete 3 days after I received yours. As of only yesterday, I am operational. Oh, yes, the "Rehabilitation Program" that I shared with you, paid for a printer, is ordering me new hearing aids & more, so that I may be fully operational.
I can't understand why do do not have yourself online. We could keep in closer communication, if you wanted too, and the world would be yours also. More importantly, you have so much to offer others in the way of sound advice.
Your Love for Our Lord, Jesus, is evidenced by your commitments to helping others, as I hope that, to some degree, I too am able to do thanks to God's linking His Earth Angels and Ministries up via cyberspace and computers. I learned , long ago, not to tell you what to do. But you need to "Roll-over" on this one, for yourself, and the good of God's People on this Planet. You should be writing and publishing your wise understandings as ezine articles, from which others may glean insight and/or understanding, I believe, Vicki.
Please give my love to my great girls, and say hi to others involved in our Home Church there, for me.
Yours ~ "For the time intended,"
LuV Ya :)
Rascal Russ :))
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